Monday, 14 February 2011

Ground Broken

The Groundbreaking ceremony all went off very well last Thursday, we were joined by the Mayor of Peterborough, as well as many other local dignatories. We even got Jan into the digger!

Although a huge amount of the preparation work has already been completed, we had a clear area by the Oak Tree. Coupled with unexpected sunshine, the ground was firm enough to pose for some shots, before heading back to the site cabin for tea and home made cake (thanks to Seb and Krissy for that!) Alex the Archaeologist brought some of the finds from the well and everyone had a play with the two thousand year old pots and coins.
All in all a really good day.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

And again...

And another appearance in the Evening Telegraph today, with a piece on the Roman finds on the site. All very exciting and hopefully we'll get a closer look on Thursday as the archaeologist is bringing some with him to the ground breaking. Personally I think the shoes and coins are fab, but the experts are getting worked up about the stone lining on the well... Shows what I know!
by the way thats a shoe in the picture - a Roman size 36 I think...

In the papers again

We were in the papers again this week, with a little piece in the Milton Keynes Citizen, not about the Peterborough site this time but a report on the awarding of Gold Standards Framework and Beacon Status to Bluebirds Nursing Home, the first home in Buckinghamshire to achieve this and one of very few homes nationally.

We're hoping to see the press on Thursday at the Oak Tree site for our ground breaking ceremony, the Mayor of Peterborough is coming and I have spoken to ITV and the press who have all shown an interest.

Watch this space!