Wednesday, 27 October 2010

More Archaeology

I visited the site again today to see how the dig was going, I met some of the archaeologists - a lovely bunch of people, even if they were covered in mud. The picture shows some of the pottery they have found in the well. Everyone is very excited about the finds, although its nothing major, apparently there is some interesting stuff buried on the site.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Barns and wells

Ok so we were right it is field, it was a field and it always has been a field, but that field did have a barn and a well in it. Watch this space for more updates as they come in.

Friends, Romans, Durobrivaens...

Archaeology has begun on the site that experts believe may once have been a field. I thought it was still a field, but what do I know? You can see the strip mapping has begun in the picture, apparently this indicates that it was once a field... so we were all correct.

It is kind of exciting waiting to see what they find, you never know we could be sitting on a great Roman hoard, but it looks like a field, so it probably is just a field.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010


Our planning approval appeared before the Council Planning Committee yesterday and everything went very well.

The CEO Paul Moran spoke breifly before the committee and answered some questions before the committee unanimously consented to the planning request with some very positive comments about the design and layout.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

To Committee!!

Our planning application goes to Peterborough County Council Committee on 12th October, the full planning report is available here:
Anyone with any questions shoudl get in touch via e mail on or telephone Neil Russell on 01908 634999