Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Planning Approved!!!

Formal planning approval has been granted now the archaeologists have finished digging up the site, so its chocks away and here come the machines.

After a very long list of exciting finds we are now making plans for a permanent display to celebrate what appears to have been some kind of ritual well. Watch this space for more exciting information.
Peterborough City Council's decision notice includes a number of fun conditions, including protection for bats and ensuring the landscaping retains and improves the biodiversity of the site. This all fits in with our environmental policies anyway so no worries there.
Tomorrow is our Gala Awards Dinner, so watch this space for some embarrassing pictures of PJ Care Management pretending to be cool on the dance floor!

Friday, 5 November 2010

Well I never did!

Is it a well? Is it a tank? Actually I don't think anyone knows yet, but it gets more exciting all the time. At about 3 metres deep it was definitely used for storing something.
It is located bang under what will be the turning circle for delivery and refuse lorries, so unfortunately we won't be able to leave it there, however we are looking to see if we can move part of the well to inside the building, we can't really have a 3m hole in the floor, but we could ensure the top of the structure is preserved for posterity and can still be viewed, got to be much better than covering it all over again. Although if anyone wants the entire well/tank/store do let me know. It would make a lovely garden feature....

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

More Archaeology

I visited the site again today to see how the dig was going, I met some of the archaeologists - a lovely bunch of people, even if they were covered in mud. The picture shows some of the pottery they have found in the well. Everyone is very excited about the finds, although its nothing major, apparently there is some interesting stuff buried on the site.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Barns and wells

Ok so we were right it is field, it was a field and it always has been a field, but that field did have a barn and a well in it. Watch this space for more updates as they come in.

Friends, Romans, Durobrivaens...

Archaeology has begun on the site that experts believe may once have been a field. I thought it was still a field, but what do I know? You can see the strip mapping has begun in the picture, apparently this indicates that it was once a field... so we were all correct.

It is kind of exciting waiting to see what they find, you never know we could be sitting on a great Roman hoard, but it looks like a field, so it probably is just a field.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010


Our planning approval appeared before the Council Planning Committee yesterday and everything went very well.

The CEO Paul Moran spoke breifly before the committee and answered some questions before the committee unanimously consented to the planning request with some very positive comments about the design and layout.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

To Committee!!

Our planning application goes to Peterborough County Council Committee on 12th October, the full planning report is available here: http://plandocs.peterborough.gov.uk/AnitePublicDocs/00031657.pdf
Anyone with any questions shoudl get in touch via e mail on peterborough@pjcare.co.uk or telephone Neil Russell on 01908 634999

Friday, 18 June 2010


Our Chair, Jan Flawn attended a meeting on the provision of Hydrotherapy services in Peterborough. It looks as though much of the exisitng provisoin is going to cease, which is a shame. Again there was a lot of positive interest in what we will be providing at the Oak Tree Site.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Planning News

We've just received news from Andy Ryley at PRC that our planning application has been officially lodged with Peterborough County Council.

They will be getting in touch with individuals in the neighbourhood in the next three to four weeks. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the site or about PJ Care, please let me know.

Photo shoot

We ran a photo shoot for some of our Management team yesterday. It was great fun and we got some lovely pictures. They really are a great team and obviously enjoy their work.

Friday, 28 May 2010

BBC Peterborough

Neil Russell, Operations Manager gave an interview on BBC Peterborough yesterday morning. Again there was lots of interest in the Hydrotherapy Pool and a general positive feeling about the project

Public Consultation Evening

We held the public consultation evening at the Cressett Centre on the 25th, quite a few local people dropped in to see us, as well as a number of local Councillors including Pat Nash.

Overall the reception was excelent, there was a lot of interest in the project, especially for the Therapy Services and the Hydrotherapy Pool.